Garden Happenings
za 03.07 / 20:00 – 23:00
Locatie: Campus Bijloke
Tickets: Gratis

Garden Happenings is an initiative of the postgraduate curatorial studies icw master fine arts, landscape and garden architecture, and interior design. It is one of the Reclaiming the School Projects, short-running research projects to help guide our art school through the corona years.
Garden Happenings is launching during Graduation. Find out what we’ve been working on and learn about our future ambitions!
You can find all about it on
20.00: Introduction of Garden Happenings
by Godart Bakkers, Birgit Cleppe, Bert De Roo, Laura Herman, Arezoo Khazan and Myrthe Van Rompaey
2019 went down in history as a year of global protests against global warming, exploitation and environmental destruction. These protests were largely led by the ‘millennials’, young people who are concerned about the world they have to grow up in and are calling for ecological awareness. The protests now seem already long ago and threaten to sink into oblivion, but where can these young people turn with their concerns? In this second year of a global pandemic, leaving the building and going out seems to have become more important than ever. With Garden Happenings we ask ourselves which role an art academy like ours can take in handling these concerns, drawing from the lessons we can learn from the open spaces surrounding the Bijloke. How can we structurally embed the garden and its multispecies ecologies in our School of Arts? Can the garden become a source of inspiration; a reminder to responsibly consider our environmental impact and extend our knowledge about nature and ecology? Can the garden become a studio: a place for learning and unlearning?
21.00: Discussion with urban ecologist Geert Heyneman and philosopher Glenn Deliège
+ Ginderella serving
22.00: filmscreening The Garden by Derek Jarman (1990)
Garden Happenings Route
Don’t forget to visit the Garden Happenings route, which you can find on the Graduation map, and if you have time we highly recommend to stop by at Publiek Park, an open air exhibition organised by the Young Friends v/h S.M.A.K., approaching the landscape park as a total installation.