Afstudeerconcert ManaMa Hedendaagse Muziek
zo 06.09 / 20:00
Locatie: Miry concertzaal
Tickets: Reserveer ticket

Elliott Harrison
Vijf jaar zwoegen op partituren hebben onze studenten erop zitten. Het examenrecital vormt de kroon op al dat harde werk en jij kan erbij zijn! Alle examenconcerten van masterstudenten klassieke muziek en compositie staan open voor publiek. Ook de postgraduaten Soloist Classical Music en Musical Performance Practice en de master na master Hedendaagse Muziek verwennen je oren.
Elliott zal een-op-een microperformances geven in de toren van het concervatorium. Dit aansluitend aan het concert van Noriko Yasushiji. Reserveer nu je tickets en laat je verrassen door een intiem concert!
Opgelet: wegens COVID-19 is reserveren verplicht, en het dragen van een mondmasker ook.
Elliott Harrison
Five years of hard work have passed. The exam recital is the result of all that work and you can be there.
All the graduation concerts of the master’s students Classial Music and Composition are open and free to the public, as well as the postgraduates of Soloist Classical Music, Musical performance practice, and the master after master Contemporary Music will be a joy to listen to.
Elliott will give one-on-one microperformances in the tower of the conservatory. This will take place after the concert of Noriko Yasushiji. Reserve your ticket now and let yourself be surprised by this intimate concert!
Noriko Yasushiji
‘amidst dust and fractured voices’ is a contemporary chamber opera with animation that explores themes of memory, politics and terrorist threats. Central to the piece is the memory of a fictional terrorist attack, which is fractured into brief encounters with several figures. Through their eyes, voices, and own perspectives, the artists attempt to detect a variety of political systems and its connection to interhuman tragedy. The team consists of students and alumni from the Conservatory of Ghent, KASK and HKU University of the Arts Utrecht.
Noriko Yakushiji (Soprano, Libretto adaptation) Yannick Verweij (Staging, Design, Libretto adaptation) Stefan Aleksić (Original text)
Koji Takahashi (Music)
Joske Commandeur (Video and animation)
Gijs de Jonge (stage manager)
Yuki Urabe (conductor)
Noriko Yakushiji (Soprano)
Cédric De Bruycker (Clarinet) Jacqueline Berndt (Flute)
Hugo Ranilla de Castro (Violin) Célia Roser (Viola)
Sinouhé Gilot (Cello)
Andrés Navarro Garcia (Percussion)
Attention: due to COVID-19, there’s only a limited number of available seats so making a reservation is necessary. Wearing a face mask is also obligated