Elias D’hooge Trio / Berny’s Collective / WaldekOnDrums
wo 14.06 / 18:00 – 22:00
Locatie: Minard, Romain De Coninckplein 2, Gent
Tickets: gratis mits reservatie
18:00 Elias D’hooge Trio
With our trio, we’d like to tell our own unique story with original compositions that are rooted in stories, dreams and great inspirations.
We like to mix jazz tradition with more modern musical concepts of improvisation and composition in a way we can start a conversation that could be fun, humoristic, stressed, sad …
To make a conversation with each other, our inner self and the audience through musical parameters and the beautiful language of ‘jazz’ makes us having fun on stage and off stage.
19:30 Berny’s Collective / Bernard Mestdagh
Berny’s Collective varies between styles and manning. The trombone has a distinct sound that can, if played as needed, blend into different contexts. It is what I would like to showcase: A (hopefully) compelling performance to those involved as well as a challenging experiment for myself; changing the subject without losing musical coherence.
You may hear existing tunes & arrangements in addition to original compositions & arrangements.
21:00 WaldekOnDrums / Manu Waterschoot
Na enkele jaren als drummer in bands zoals Toko Joyce, Noonzy, Fabian Rasti, Lapis Lazuli, Luie Louis, etc. komt Manu Waterschoot (AKA WaldekOnDrums) naar buiten met een nieuw project. Samen met zijn beste vrienden brengt hij eigen composities en bewerkingen. Verwacht je aan een concert met goeie sfeer, funky grooves & dansbare beats.