ma 17.06 / 18:00
Locatie: De Kazematten, Kazemattenstraat 17, 9000 Gent
Tickets: Gratis mits reservatie

WEATHER PLEASURE embodies the power of imagination, but also its danger. When observation and imagination met, History dreamed of women. He imagined her, molded her and deformed her. Can women continue to imagine when their story seems fixed? Time passes, yet the weather remains unchanged. WEATHER PLEASURE is a feverish dream where two women, alongside the help of their companion Kate Brock, strive to transcend their bodies. Can they change the weather forecast, despite their wounds of being and unbecoming? How to soften, liquify, and transform? When the sun and its fluffy clouds, fail to acknowledge the storm brooding within, rocks form. These three women evaporate in a visceral immersive trip where bodies are opened, felt, questioned and remembered.