Bas Verbruggen, Environs
Martine Huvenne
Raf Enckels
Elias Grootaers
Deep into the auditory world of a deserted landscape, a character listens carefully how a dark tower absorbs his sonorous memories.
Diep in de auditieve wereld van een verlaten landschap luistert een personage aandachtig naar een donkere toren die zijn omliggende herinneringen absorbeert.
For several years I have been very interested in the Belgian landscape with its absurd shapes and forms. In previous films I observed solar panels (Solar Love, 2017) and satellite dishes (Parabole, 2018). After finishing Parabole, I got obsessed with 16 identical water towers which are located all over the Belgian scenery. I find it intriguing to give these shapes a new meaning, and most importantly: a new identity.
Over a period of two years I filmed these towers and their mysterious surroundings in all possible circumstances. I am attracted by wandering, standing still and listening. In sound I searched for personal memories that I transformed into compositions. During the editing I created my own audiovisual universe. The viewer’s auditory experience is essential. My fascinations for the audiovisual and the mystical Belgian landscape come together in Environs.