Arezoo Khazanbeig, [No one] in-between
Pieter Blomme Azam Masoumzadeh
[No-One] in Between
No-one in Between is a platform that seeks to eliminate the intermediary network of people and companies that work between artisans and producers of goods on the one hand and consumers on the other hand.
This platform allows you to hear the story of the people who are behind the production procedure.
Through this platform, you will hear the story of each product, its producer and the procedure it takes for the end product be ready to use.
Stories of hand-crafted carpets, clothes, fruits, dried fruits and whatever that someone’s energy, love and care played an important role in their creation and production.
Goods that were always present in our daily life but their unique stories were not heard.
This is an online platform for small businesses that are often the only source of income for their producers. Most of these people are from rural neighborhoods who hold home-business from different cities and villages around the world.
Every artisan or farmer has a specific page in this website. In their page, they tell their story, and introduce their products.
By reading the story of each type of product and craft and the story of the producers and craftsmen, we not only increase our knowledge about the process of their production and creation, but also, we help the craftsmen earn more money and we, as consumers, will pay less than before.
For this project, the story of different products and crafts with different consumption periods was told. Several artisans in Iran were find and a short story of them was told. but the main focus of the project is on the dried fruit which my grandmother produces.
Short interview video will introduce her and you can communicate with her trough a chatbot.

Behjat Nekoomanesh Fard
she is 78 years old.
She is living in a small village in the center of Iran
She is taking care of around 10 hectares farm land .
She used to take care of the lands together with her husband, but now that he is sick, she is doing everything by her own.
She is cultivating several types of trees and producing fruits and dried fruits and nuts.
she hopes that one day she can know the opinion of all the consumers about her products.
you can talk with her here :