Valentina Pérez Muskus, GoFigure!

postgraduaat digital storytelling
Mentoren / Mentors:
Pieter Blomme
Harold Vergucht

GoFigure! is a collaborative website designed for the language-curious and creatives, where you can dive into a collection of absurd, silly, and fun idiomatic expressions in several languages, enjoy short stories that illustrate them, and even submit your very own, in just 100 words (or less).  

The story behind GoFigure! 

by Valentina Pérez Muskus

Over a year ago, I took the first step towards what has been -so far- the biggest change of my life. I moved from Venezuela to Belgium, a foreign country, in a different continent, with drastically different weather, and to a region where they spoke a language I had probably only ever heard in… who am I kidding? I don’t think I had ever heard someone speaking Dutch. 
I found myself, for the first time, having to speak constantly in English or in a clumsy Dutch, which I had started to learn. But even if my English was quite decent, and I knew the basics in Dutch, there were many times that I found myself at a need for specific words and expressions in Spanish that were absolutely impossible to translate. And thus, as I came to realize how important idiomatic expressions are for different languages and different cultures, I decided to create this website. Here, I hope to share, through short stories, the meaning of some idiomatic expressions in Spanish, but also collect new ones: some in Dutch, so I can learn a little more about the country and region that has been my home for this little while, but hopefully in other languages as well.