Sven Spur, Eden
Bie Boeykens
Bert Lesaffer
Een rusteloze jonge man jaagt doorheen de gay hotspots van een grootstad. Anonieme plaatsen gehuld in spiegels, intense kleuren en kitscherige decors vormen de leefwereld voor deze zonderling op zoek naar troost, verbondenheid en zichzelf.
A restless young man roves in the gay hotspots of a metropolis. Anonymous places dressed in mirrors, intense colors and kitschy decors are the landscape for this stranger in search of comfort, connection and himself.

Sven Spur (°1993, Belgium) graduated as a filmmaker at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) in Ghent, in 2020. His graduation film EDEN got selected at major national and international film festivals such as Film Fest Ghent, BFI Flare and Outfest LA. Spur was nominated for the 2020 Sabam for Culture Award for Best Screenwriter and received a Fiction Wildcard awarded by the Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF). The awarded production budget resulted in his first professional short film, to be completed in 2023.

Made with love by Mustaf Ahmeti, Vincent van Driessche, Ludovic Harnais, Dirk Couvent (cast), Jules Mathôt (1st AD), Matthee Van Holderbeke (DOP), Wannes Vanspauwen (light), Sven Dehandschutter (sound), Raf Enckels (mixing), Matthias Dewilde aka Duke Jamal (score), Naomi Zwaenepoel (art), Mario Debaene (titles), Marie Lamberechts, Gonne Vanspauwen (costume), Bas Schulte (scout), Casper Parys (location), and many others …