Simon Baetens, liquid dreams
master drama
I had a dream in which my eyes were closed
yet I could see more clearly than ever before
I saw magnificent sounds,
heard mesmerizing shapes
and tasted overwhelming colors
It was most certainly a dream,
for I woke up and had to deal
with the fact that it was over
The whole time I was dreaming
I knew that it wasn’t real
but I so badly wanted it to be
that it became more real
than anything else I’ve ever experienced
liquid dreams is een voorstelling zonder performers op scène. Het is een reis doorheen verbeelding, droomwerelden, (virtual) reality en de interface van hard- en software die we dagelijks gebruiken. Tekst wordt beeld, beeld wordt meer dan een verzameling pixels. Kunnen we ons een wereld voorstellen waarin symbiose heerst tussen hoe we formatteren en geformatteerd worden?
I had a dream in which my eyes were closed
yet I could see more clearly than ever before
I saw magnificent sounds,
heard mesmerizing shapes
and tasted overwhelming colors
It was most certainly a dream,
for I woke up and had to deal
with the fact that it was over
The whole time I was dreaming
I knew that it wasn’t real
but I so badly wanted it to be
that it became more real
than anything else I’ve ever experienced
liquid dreams is a performance without performers on stage. It is a journey through imagination, dream worlds, (virtual) reality) and the interface of hard- and software which we use daily. Text becomes image, image becomes more than a collection of pixels. Can we imagine a world in which symbiosis between how we format and are being formatted, prevails?
creatie en performance: Simon Baetens mentoren: Myriam Van Imschoot en Tom Engels productie, communicatie en techniek: Grégory Abels, Fabrice Delecluse en Gouvernement met dank aan: Frederik Le Roy, CAMPO, Gouvernement, Minard, NTGent, Matterhorn VZW, Louis Janssens, Nathan Ooms, Dianne Weller, Mette Ingvartsen, Ann Taghon en Johan Baetens
Mentoren / Mentors
Van Imschoot Myriam
Engels Tom