Silke Gerinckx, La Reine
vrije kunsten
Geert Belpaeme
Frank Vande Veire
La Reine is een hedendaags performatief portret van de figuur van Maria de’ Medici, een van de meest gehate koninginnen van Frankrijk. Je treedt binnen in de wereld van een koningin die voor de buitenwereld elitaire codes moet hanteren. Maar hoe ziet haar leven eruit achter gesloten deuren?
De voorstelling gaat over transformeren, verbloemen en manipuleren. Over keuzes maken en over hoe de geschiedenis zich steeds herhaalt.
La Reine is a contemporary performative portrait of the figure of Maria de’ Medici, one of the most hated queens in France. You enter the world of a queen who has to maintain elitist codes for the outside world. But what does her life look like behind closed doors?
The performance is about transforming, disguising and manipulating. About making choices and about how history keeps repeating itself.

Maker & speler Silke Gerinckx
Mentor & coaching Geert Belpaeme
Muziek Vadim Bakker & Daan Vanreybrouck
Kostuum Anne Demeere
Lichttovenaar Zeno Verlee
Video animatie Jafar Hejazi
met dank aan Arthur Decock, Chokri Ben Chikha, Genia Rappé, Anna Schlooz, KASK & CONSERVATORIUM School of Arts, CAMPO & Danspunt
La Reine is de afstudeervoorstelling van Silke Gerinckx (master performance, KASK). De rode draad in haar werk is theatraliteit en absurde humor. Ze maakt voorstellingen waarin stem, beweging en het eigen lichaam centraal staan. Hierbij maakt ze graag gebruik van vervreemde of geabstraheerde geluiden die sfeerbepalend zijn in het werk. Ze vertrekt vaak vanuit persoonlijke vreemde fascinaties die ze universeel uitwerkt. Ze houdt ervan om vreemde verbanden te zoeken en daarmee het publiek te triggeren en te inspireren door een andere blik te scheppen.

An extension of our skin. We lose hundreds of hairs a day, we cut them, we share them, we expose them, we abhor them, we are ashamed of their absence or excess.
Many sources say that during the pandemic we became more attentive to our surroundings. When we lack physical contact, the feeling of human hair in our environment shifts attention toward the memory of someone’s absence/presence.
Silke Gerinckx in her performance practice works with the phenomenon of repulsion. By questioning absurd images, humour, and creating tensions bordering on intimate revulsion, she connects the experience of abject giving them an aesthetic form.
The experience of the abject – following Julia Kristeva’s terminology, is an uncanny point of observation of rejection while simultaneously being fascinated. Silke’s performative installation invites passersby to immerse themselves in a hair’s creek and in a shared ritual which she navigates. The spectator is therefore both a witness and a participant in the romantic act, which is performed by physically connecting, mixing people’s DNA and exhibiting them. In this suspended moment, a space emerges to explore the intimate moments of repulsion, where boundaries begin to fracture, where people are confronted with an archaic space in front of such linguistic binaries as self/other or subject/object.
text by Natalia Barczyńska

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