Noah Berhitu, Statues Rule the Waves

master audiovisuele kunsten
Mentoren / Mentors:
Rosine Mbakam
Jelena Jureša

Twee historische figuren uit verschillende werelddelen, Anne Frank en Martha Christina Tiahahu, hebben een ontmoeting die in eerste instantie onwaarschijnlijk lijkt, maar zich al snel ontvouwt in een onvermijdelijk dialoog.Hoewel afkomstig van twee uiteenlopende plaatsen, zijn ze verbonden door hetzelfde land, eenzelfde geschiedenis en één persoon in het bijzonder. Door de persoonlijke reis van de filmmaker, die zowel de plek bezoekt waar ze opgroeide als de plek die haar grootouders gedwongen moesten verlaten, vormt de film een collage van ontmoetingen die onze hedendaagse herinneringscultuur in vraag stelt en de manier waarop we onze verhalen construeren uitdaagt.

Two historical figures from opposite sides of the globe, Anne Frank and Martha Christina Tiahahu, share an encounter that seems unlikely at first, but soon unfolds in an inevitable dialogue.Despite originating from disparate places, they are connected by the same land, the same history, and one person in particular. Through the personal journey of the filmmaker, who visits both the place where she grew up and the place her grandparents were forced to leave, the film forms a collage of encounters that challenge our contemporary memory culture and the way we construct our narratives.

Avant-Premiere at Sphinx, Gent

Tue 25 June at 19h + 22h45


Graduation Festival at KASKcinema, Gent

Fri 28 June at 12h

Sat 29 June at 16h

free entrance/no reservation

My graduation film stands as part of K4SKPALESTINE and in solidarity with the student protests and encampments worldwide that demand a complete academic and cultural boycott of the illegitimate zionist “state of Israel”, as a result of its ongoing genocidal war in Gaza and its decades long violent colonial project. No peace without justice, no justice without return. So we ask our school, KASK & Conservatorium, to act upon its plan to decolonise its curriculum, and to not only consume decolonial struggle as an abstract and academic subject matter, but as an embodied and living practice.
We are not free until we all are.
For the full statement and updates follow @k4skpalestine


With – Karlen Berhitu, Frengky Berhitu, Saly Berhitu, Yana Loppies, Kezia Loppies, Ano Loppies, Ulen Wattimena, Keluarga Tiahahu, Fabiola Ho, Emilia Ho,Teddy de Vries, Lain Koskamp, Noah Berhitu, Eline Harmse and Pingkan Polla
Camera – Noah Berhitu, Katerina Indesteege
Edit – Alejandra Rogghé Perez, Noah Berhitu
Editing assistants – Laura Persijn, Charlotte Jodogne
Editing advice – Fairuz Ghammam
On set/post production translation – Pingkan Polla
Sound recording – Eline Harmse, Noah Berhitu
Sound mix – Raf Enckels
Music composer – Isaac Moss
Traditional music – Finn Maätita