Nergiz Dukan, Would you still love me the same?
vrije kunsten
Joost Rekveld
Simon Delobel
“The monster is neither a total stranger nor completely familiar; s/he exists in an in-between zone. I would express this as a paradox: the monstrous other is both liminal and structurally central to our perception of normal human subjectivity. The monster helps us understand the paradox of ‘difference’ as a ubiquitous but perennially negative preoccupation. This mechanism of ‘domestic foreignness’, exemplified by the monster, finds its closest analogy in mechanisms such as sexism and racism. The woman, the Jew, the black, or the homosexual are certainly ‘different’ from the configuration of human subjectivity based on masculinity, whiteness, heterosexuality, and Christian values which dominates our scientific thinking.” -Briadotti

“The monster is neither a total stranger nor completely familiar; s/he exists in an in-between zone. I would express this as a paradox: the monstrous other is both liminal and structurally central to our perception of normal human subjectivity. The monster helps us understand the paradox of ‘difference’ as a ubiquitous but perennially negative preoccupation. This mechanism of ‘domestic foreignness’, exemplified by the monster, finds its closest analogy in mechanisms such as sexism and racism. The woman, the Jew, the black, or the homosexual are certainly ‘different’ from the configuration of human subjectivity based on masculinity, whiteness, heterosexuality, and Christian values which dominates our scientific thinking.” -Briadotti