Nanoi Alloo, Borderline Bestie
postgraduaat digital storytelling
My 2 best friends are struggling with the battle of borderline. Just living with someone that has this personality disorder, or being around them, can be extremely difficult. Quickly changing mood swings and irritability: People with borderline personality disorder have issues managing moods and expressing emotions, leading to intense anxiety and irritability. I did not fully understand BPD, I wasn’t even aware it existed. Ignorance may be bliss in some situations, but in this one, it was detrimental to our relationship. I often felt attacked and even fearful at times. I started investigating and learnt what borderline was. Borderline has 3 main emotions: rage, mania and emptiness. I worked together with my 2 best friends and made 3 creative videos with matching music to express those emotions. BPD, from what I have observed, is like a mask a person wears to prevent themselves from feeling vulnerable. Enjoy.
My 2 best friends are struggling with the battle of borderline. Just living with someone that has this personality disorder, or being around them, can be extremely difficult. Quickly changing mood swings and irritability: People with borderline personality disorder have issues managing moods and expressing emotions, leading to intense anxiety and irritability. I did not fully understand BPD, I wasn’t even aware it existed. Ignorance may be bliss in some situations, but in this one, it was detrimental to our relationship. I often felt attacked and even fearful at times. I started investigating and learnt what borderline was. Borderline has 3 main emotions: rage, mania and emptiness. I worked together with my 2 best friends and made 3 creative videos with matching music to express those emotions. BPD, from what I have observed, is like a mask a person wears to prevent themselves from feeling vulnerable. Enjoy.