Marie-Laure De Caster, COLLECTIEF RIK
Pieter Blomme
Collectief RIK is a creative collective focused on working together. We strongly believe that collaboration is key when it comes to being creative. Hence our baseline: “we want to work with you. Join our collective and we’ll change our name to yours.”
Founded by Catoo Van de Putte, Marie-Laure De Caster and Ottilie Dobbels.
COLLECTIEF RIK is a multidisciplinary creative collective where storytelling equals collaboration.
That’s why we don’t want to work for you, but with you. And yes, that’s also why the name in our logo on our website keeps changing. Yours could be next.
We do what we like and we love what we do. You could call us a lifestyle collective, but we prefer not to put ourselves in any kind of box. Our main focuses are food, design and culture, but we’re eager to talk about any creative project, so don’t hesitate to reach out.
Our collective can be the bridge between the story you want to tell and the one your audience wants to hear.