Marianne Schapmans, Magic of Moments
Arjan Scherpenisse
Pieter Blomme
Magie in een Moment - Weef je verhaal
Magic of Moments
Imi Amintesc
Ontdek een spoor van de toekomst
I remember - video
Herondek je vakantieverhaal
So, we think we tell stories…
“Stories often tell us.. tell us who to love or to hate, how to see or be seen.. (Rebecca Solnit)
Story shapes our reality. How can we create a new narrative? Which stories to tell for a future as a better place? What are the stories we want to see more of? Which stories do we want to say goodbye to?
We need safe and brave places to share stories.. maybe a digital storycatcher can help to revisit moments.. and encourage you to reflect.
Inspired by contemplative Pantoum writing, Weavy is born.
Time to meet Weavy, a friendly chatbot which will help to catch the magic in a moment, as a spark to some beautiful conversations.
Scan QR code and meet Weavy.
How would it be .. if we could re-visit moments?
Moments to explore in safe spaces that can become brave spaces that weave an alternative narrative into our world.
Weavy supports moments of reflection that help to construct new stories on a very personal level.
Personal experiences to enrich collective narratives.
Weavy is a friendly Chatbot, a support in a NIS – Narrative Inquiry Space