Manon Jejcic, Le Jaune et Le Bleu

master beeldende kunsten
Mentoren / Mentors:
Anouk De Clercq
Tom Callemin
Els Roelandt




Chère Manon,

Je sais que, parfois, la tête tourne et que le cœur, à sa manière; et parfois en même temps, tourne aussi. Mais, à la fin, seules les montagnes restent debout.

Je t’embrasse fort,








Dear Manon,

I know that sometimes the head spins and the heart, in its own way, and sometimes at the same time, does too. But in the end, only the mountains remain standing.

My love to you,


Filmstills of Le Jaune et Le Bleu, 2024 (ES/PT/BE, digital,14′)


Le Jaune et Le Bleu is a cinematic essay about the passage of time in a place that cannot be called my homeland. From yellow to blue, from young to older, the film talks about what lies in between, the intergenerational.


On view at KASKcinema on:

* Friday 28/06/2024 at 18h.

* Sunday 30/06/2024 at 14h.


Together with the films Oh, look! (Leon Decock), Sleeping sun rise (Sofie Roelants), Peau Neuve (Sarah Chapuis) and I the Palm of My Hand (Jules Mathôt & Cinemaximiliaan).