Luna Vermeire, ECOLECT - Spread the Word Around - Rolecolex
educatieve master audiovisuele beeldende kunsten
Mentoren / Mentors:
Kristof Van Gestel
Kristof Van Gestel
THE ECOLECT (noun) – a (figurative) language giving expression to feelings regarding the climate crisis. An ecological lexicon with newly invented climatewords, by anyone, for anybody.
But what does the Ecolect look like – as a whole? And how can we learn these newly invented climatewords?
Therefore the ROLECOLEX was designed and assembled.
Let the words speak to you and discover what they mean by using them guided by the Rolecolex.
Let’s Spread the Word Around!
Project in collaboration with Rone Fillet and De Veerman.
spread the word around

de ecolect-magneet-woorden vormen de eerste aanspreking door het ecologische lexicon. Ga ermee aan de slag, gebruik de woorden om er ZINNEN _ VOL - ZINVOLLE VOLZINNEN mee te verzinnen