Julie De Kezel, [lee-po-rel-lo]
vrije kunsten
Fia Cielen
Henri Jacobs
Simon Delobel
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
Strapped-on prohibited purposes of liberating librettos, spreading semen from sensually sensitive organ(ism)s. Scissoring obscenities covering unfolding mold.
Slibbery, dripping wet siblings are sleeping in excavated shores, shadowed by x-gendered, flourishing flowers of dusk and musk. Rumbling rumours break the breasted, brown brim.
Leaves left lingering at fluorescent watery, wavy coatings of washed out wax. An expelled pallet of appearing, transparent petals mingled with winged wallowing willow remnants.
But how can a leaf win from a rock?
Allusive alliterations by Koi Persyn on the work of Julie De Kezel

Locked up but not stored, the culture sector quickly found ways to show work within the fluctuating rules.
Next 3 projects gave me the opportunity to show my work further than my flourishing backyard in Melle.
YouTube Expo #3: Cyber’s handshake
Organised by Jivan Van der Ende
Colouring book in times of corona
Organised by Laurens Mariën
Akademiegalerie Homeoffice
Organised by Peter Kogler