Joselito Verschaeve, If I Call Stones Blue It Is Because Blue Is The Precise Word
Ruben Bellinkx
Dominique Somers
Sybren Vanoverberghe
‘If I Call Stones Blue It Is Because Blue Is The Precise Word’ puts an order to Joselito’s work that is placed between day-to-day encounters and fiction. His work is based on building a setting for a narrative to grow, giving you a few pillars in literature, dystopia, and world-building. The sequence isn’t here to hold your hand, rather to loosen and tighten grip on different moments, leaving you space to gather fragments of a story. As he pulls out images of their original context the reader is allowed to do the same, with an overarching theme that keeps writer and reader in the same world.
“The smooth stones you pick up and examine under the moon’s light have been made blue from the sea. Next morning when you pull them from your trouser pocket, they are still blue.”
— Raymond Carver
‘If I Call Stones Blue It Is Because Blue Is The Precise Word’ puts an order to Joselito’s work that is placed between day-to-day encounters and fiction. His work is based on building a setting for a narrative to grow, giving you a few pillars in literature, dystopia, and world-building. The sequence isn’t here to hold your hand, rather to loosen and tighten grip on different moments, leaving you space to gather fragments of a story. As he pulls out images of their original context the reader is allowed to do the same, with an overarching theme that keeps writer and reader in the same world.
“The smooth stones you pick up and examine under the moon’s light have been made blue from the sea. Next morning when you pull them from your trouser pocket, they are still blue.”
— Raymond Carver