Jelle Rouqaert, Amenra Experience
In this project I wanted to create a full concert experience for the band Amenra. Through interviews with diehard Amenra I fans I could conclude that their on-location shows (e.g. in a church or abandoned industrial zone) created a superior experience as compared to club shows. On-location visitors instantly felt the atmosphere of the location chosen specifically for that concert. Amenra opts for dark locations and makes sure that their tripod logo is all around you. Through my project I wanted to make sure people would feel the same vibe at a club show. My goal was to make you experience the Amenra atmosphere through 360° projection. I chose to work with 3D animations in a room where visuals are projected from the back and front as well as left and right. The visitor should get the full experience from the moment they enter the concert hall. Therefore I created a room that is kind of like the real life Church of Ra. Slow animations move all around you. This creates a mystical vibe that prepares and excites the guest before the real show. I submerged myself in 3D animation, projection, spatial awareness and storytelling. Or better said: in building an atmosphere.