Floor van Helmond, Hug The Scary People • LIVE
autonome vormgeving
Hans Bryssinck
Anna Luyten
Does your subconscious have public television and how would you tune in?
Who is waiting for you on the other side? Are they interested in meeting you?
What are current events in a dream world?
Can a correspondent only report from a physical location?
and actually… What is still left of you?
WELCOME TO: Hug The Scary People • LIVE
– the ‘more than human’ talk show.
The sound of applause, shimmering,
gidingwuaapsaptimim ekspatamim gwababaumwa.
“Finally, dear viewers, listeners, smellers, feelers… and you too, dear Oneironaut; remember” – “if you meet a ‘non human’
– “Step into their shadow. Listen carefully.
Something other than the human mind is at play here!”(David Abram)
– In collaboration with Harley Doorson (sounds),
Salves van der Gronde (visuals, logo)
& Egidius van Helmond (decor pieces).
A performative installation (more-than-human talkshow.) – with dolls(entities) instead of performers.
take a seat! but remember We own this realm; you are just a welcome guest.
WELC0ME T0: Hug The Scary People • LIVE – – -§the §more than human§ talk show§ – – – I proudly present to you….::::::::::::: our correspondent: 0blongata Cerebri ,,,,,,, comedic sidekick and fri3nd –
– WOLF – And then our first guest,,, the h0noured Alchemist: Giambattista-Pseudo-Geber — and… all-known celebrity • LIVE ____ Memento Morrison.
After death. • LIVE
. – §M§U§S§I§C§ from our house band… And last § not least: I, your host: S1M0N • LIVE
§ S1M0N
0H Hello Oneironaut?§? how did you get here?§? Did you follow the waves? Take a seat—you are allowed to shed a few tears§ what else can you do in this situation)))))))))))))) Maybe just… turn into a pirate – Shapeshifting as an emergency solution – no, • LIVE
No, no, NO permission, but grateful in advance. Look for h00les in,,,, a system,,,,,, ?Human or ?n0t ?human.
!Take a seat
W3 ARE a part of
A cross-media broadcasting association • Frontier Explorer since -1#00X¥•660; a cradle of iconic television programs
We live in the white space/// somewhere in the landscape of bandwidth///
//////////////////We obey our one true God: //////TV!” –
0pen the episode Wolf!
Aaah Wolf AblehblehblohulpblohubIeh , mbehh -__ did you say your family is familiar with that of the oneironaut? luckily in this world you have a different status Hahahaha, blehbluhbleaah. The farmers have a different status as well.
Good one.
I actually domesticated a farmer; a very nice man, but not very talkative hahahahahaha • bleehblohbeh
Can you push your finger through your hand? How many fingers do you have? <whhht <<4<<,,? Wolf you<;;;
– § Mhh you say??? To teach becoming animal.
Search for–older, the intelligence,,
Intimacy of our creaturely encounter,,,,,,,,,,
, diepere taallaag
§ do not isolate §
Touch me
;l;,-; mhhhhhh
mhhh; Wolf – invite a whale? § next episode §
!Sure! !Would be lovely!
—————- but …..something else – W0LF ?! ONEIRONAUT?!
Do you know that feeling?
That feeling, dhatdamnfeeling
……..-T-h-at someone stops you and says §8!! Hey, § you’re just a dream § you’re not real.” §§ and, and, I kept repeating, “No, not true! I’m real.
I’M REAL! but inourreality § ofyourdream they do exist..- I really don’t get the point!! you see me anyway; I’m just there anyway;
I’m trying so hard.
definitely hug the scary people” -”definitely hug the scary people – definitely hug the scary people. guhjl///9990000
Waatt Wolf– ??? you actually enjoy that experience????
Take a seat.
!!!!!!!!!!Giambattista-Pseudo-Geber — !!!huis alkimist–
“ Finally, like many ,,many.. others, this one just couldn’t get their minds off, h3lemaal krankzzzinnig.”
§ Hope § theory § so inextricably intertwined in §that they §§ survived or perished together,,,,,,,,,,,,Transmutation is reality,,,,,,,,,,,,,. Caterpillars turn ;;;;;;;;into butterflies, ice melts”
?Would you like to show us something?
I see you have noWings, this will make it all so difficult.
We still have more than enough time to exchange things.
!!!!!take a s3AT.
Where everything unites and becomes one. Does it become??§blinking “eye”. Can our science equal magic§ Then we see it;
it’s all a bit mixed up, but give us a break okay
East, east, let’s head to the east,
0BLINGATE§ REPORTs§ her voice,,,,,,,,,,metallic,,drawingg pins! Not today.
?Yet strangely comforting;————————————————————Look in the center of each eye————————————–Here it changes.
§And you will see fire and ice dancing in the middle§
built up a broad network and has won§§§collects sensory observations and testimonies
Enter the woods; where rules no longer apply – who inhabits??
In general,! we just want to riot,,,? you absolutely cannot assume that WE have serious intentions??
It is the movement of the movement §? BUT WHHOO AAREE YOU!???
People sometimes say you are shiny – Really very shiny — but you YOU; I always wanted you in my show,,,,, neverrr got it through, these editors!, but Cerebri:::
§LOOK oneironaut, LOOK! To the rippling blue ;;color. – Smell of salt – fish – dry grass…… what… do….. you need Oneironaut?§§§§wantT a hug?
—§ She can make you feel more SOLID
MEMENTO MORRISON; ….. “How wonderful that you are here!” You come so rarely; we are so happy to see you!ÇÇÇÇÇ
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Worms are eating your skin… you are beautiful…
are divine
T..h.e e.arth ha.th bub..bles a.s the wa.te.r ha.s an….ese ar.e of th.e.m.
The shadow says that everyone has to earn money somehow, that you’re not on the guestlist of the icecream truck, that you can keep trying again and again, but will never distil the clothes, never the tears, nnor the milk. §touch.my.hand
If I had a voice
?§I would you sing?
. ?My turn?
, ete§rnal; with a co§nstant flo§w – you cannot§help but wish – as long as it is in your ga—————————————ze – you are in limbo.
W3 invited,,,of course, because of your new… LPLK called: “Disçççsolution is a wonderful blacççksççççmith” —changes elements into others:
“such changes it accomplishes incessantly until heaven and earth merge into one glassy lump.”
§performance will be divided “in symbolic visions, one by one””””””””””””””””
Wbhuh Wolf??? “Oh noble born, that which is called death is now half come. You depart from this world – Oneironaut.”
!!!!!J!US!T !KI!DD!ING!!!!!
Hahaha good Wolf – Have faith in the blood-drinking gods too.
finally end—–this show Memento?M!USI!CC!!!??
Finally, dear viewers, listeners, smellers, feelers… and you too, dear Oneironaut; remember ——- if you meet; step in shadow.
§there is something else at play.
DAT IS HET! THAT IS IT! KEEP DOING THAT and speak: gidingwuaapsaptimim ekspatamim kaksimeum gwababaumwa”
deja vu. De§ja vu. Deja vu. Deja vu, deja vu
deja vu. De§ja vu. Deja vu. Deja vu, deja vu
deja vu. De§ja vu. Deja vu. Deja vu, deja vu
deja vu. De§ja vu. Deja vu. Deja vu, deja vu
deja vu. De§ja vu. Deja vu. Deja vu, deja vu
deja vu. De§ja vu. Deja vu. Deja vu, deja vu
deja vu. De§ja vu. Deja vu. Deja vu, deja vu
deja vu. De§ja vu. Deja vu. Deja vu, deja vu
deja vu. De§ja vu. Deja vu. Deja vu, deja vu
deja vu. De§ja vu. Deja vu. Deja vu, deja vu
deja vu. De§ja vu. Deja vu. Deja vu, deja vu
deja vu. De§ja vu. Deja vu. Deja vu, deja vu
deja vu. De§ja vu. Deja vu. Deja vu,
deja vu.