Chloé Girten, Meer vogel dan hond.
master audiovisuele kunsten - animatiefilm
1. Don’t give up on yourself when you can’t seem to get inspired.
2. Accept that it’s OK, and maybe even advisable, to look to others for sources of inspiration.
3. Take a mental break to allow yourself to refocus.
4. Use spontaneity to your advantage.
5. Read something.
6. Teamup with others.
7. Realize that there are just some times in life when you won’t feel very inspired.
8. Break your inspiration down into manageable pieces.
1. Don’t give up on yourself when you can’t seem to get inspired.
2. Accept that it’s OK, and maybe even advisable, to look to others for sources of inspiration.
3. Take a mental break to allow yourself to refocus.
4. Use spontaneity to your advantage.
5. Read something.
6. Teamup with others.
7. Realize that there are just some times in life when you won’t feel very inspired.
8. Break your inspiration down into manageable pieces.