
Bachelor na bachelor landschapsontwikkeling, Projects developed in 2016-2017

bachelor na bachelor landschapsontwikkeling

Visual landscape analysis of the Vlaamse Ardennen

In collaboration with the ‘Regionaal Landschap Vlaamse Ardennen’, the landscape of five specific areas in the south of Eastern Flanders was analyzed. The study aimed at developing a hiking and bike path, based on the historical relics in the region and its aesthetical values.

All Inclusive!? Upgrading Munich’s Northern Fringe

This project was part of an international student competition of the sixth Landscape Forum of the LE:NOTRE institute. It focuses on the corridor between the city of Dachau in the West and Munich Airport in the East. The aim was to exemplify the concept of ‘Inclusive Landscapes’ with new approaches, transferable to other metropolitan areas across Europe.

Climate for Space / Space for Climate

As an answer to questions of Ruimte Vlaanderen, the Province of Western Flanders, the city of Ostend and the Vlaamse MilieuMaatschappij, creative ideas have been developed for a climate resilient landscape in several regions of the Belgian coast. The concepts and design proposals will be used as input for actual spatial projects.