Arno Roesems, Poem 37
master uitvoerende muziek - klassieke muziek
– Notes for the Wooden Nightingale – (2000)
Poem 37
What simple things that a man forgets
The world is beautiful my darling
and we who didn’t know
don’t have a chair
for life to sit beside us
So it wasn’t for no reason that for so long
singing of nightingales
seemed like delicate crystal laughters
Mohammad Shams Langeroodi (1950)
(translation: Sina Fazelpour)
Arno Roesems brengt via de saxofoon verschillende stijlen en culturen samen in een concert als een collage van losse gedichten, elk geschreven voor het hout dat deze gedichten tot stand brengt.
Légende, Op. 66 – Florent Schmitt (1870-1958)
Shams – Jean Denis Michat (1971)
La Lune en Paradis II – Jun Nagao (1964)
Buku – Jacob ter Veldhuis (1951)
What simple things that a man forgets
The world is beautiful my darling
and we who didn’t know
don’t have a chair
for life to sit beside us
So it wasn’t for no reason that for so long
singing of nightingales
seemed like delicate crystal laughters
– Mohammad Shams Langeroodi (1950)
(translation: Sina Fazelpour)
With his saxophone, Arno Roesems brings different styles and cultures together in a concert like a collage of poems, each written for the wood that brings them to life.
Florent Schmitt (1870-1958), Légende, Op. 66
Jean Denis Michat (1971), Shams
Jun Nagao (1964), La Lune en Paradis II
Jacob ter Veldhuis (1951), Buku
Geert Claeys – Piano
Michaël Penson – Technical support
Mentoren / Mentors
Maes Koen
Minten Raf
Van Eygen Rik